

        Installation Requirements Of Chiller Water System Fan Coil Unit

        Column:Product case Time:2020-04-27
        The vertical partition of the water system is determined according to the pressure capacity of the fan coil and the pipe, so that the water distribution of each loop is evenly distributed.

        1 The vertical partition of the water system is determined according to the pressure capacity of the fan coil and the pipe, so that the water distribution of each loop is evenly distributed. If the difference of pressure difference is large, the balance valve should be set in the loop.

        2 The vertical partition of the water system is determined according to the pressure capacity of the fan coil and the pipe, so that the water distribution of each loop is evenly distributed. If the difference of pressure difference is large, the balance valve should be set in the loop.

        3 Rubber hoses should be installed in the inlet and outlet pipes, and vibration prevention measures should be adopted to support the hangers, so as to prevent vibration and noise from running and affect their normal operation.

        4 The slope of the condesate pipe is also very important. In general, it should not be less than 0.01.                                                                                                

        5 The temperature of the cooling water supply of fan coil is usually 7~12 C, the temperature of the hot water supply is usually 50~60 C. In the case of possible, the temperature difference of the supply and return water can be improved. The circulating water quality should be clean water after water treatment.

        6 The horizontal pipe section of the fan coil water system and the highest point of the coil should be set up. The exhaust valve should be set up at the highest point at the highest point, and the lowest point should be set up to discharge the discharge device.

        7 The fan coil water system is generally closed cycle, and the expansion tank should be connected to the water return pipe of the pump.     


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