
        Your Current Position:  Products > Chiller water system fan coil unit

        1-way cassette type fan coil unit

        1-way air flowing, which is easy to be installed in the side of ceiling

        Air volume range: 340m3/h~850m3/h
        Cooling capacity range: 1800m3/h~ 4500m3/h

        M style 4 way cassette type fan coil unit

        4-way air flowing, which can uniform temperature distribution in the room

        Air volume range: 380m3/h~2720m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 2000W~15000W

        remote controller is standard, 4-pipe system is optional.

        Surround air flow type fan coil unit (G style)

        Surround air flowing, fashion design, distinctive

        Air volume range: 340m3/h~2720m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 1800W~14400W

        remote controller is standard, can choose 4-pipe system and BLDC motor is optional

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