
        Your Current Position:  Products > Chiller water system fan coil unit > Concealed type fan coil unit

        Ceiling conceal ducted type fan coil unit ( B style)

        Air volume range: 340m3/h~2380m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 2150W~12800W

        4-pipe system is optional, static pressure have: 12pa; 30pa; 50pa; can be choosen

        Universal conceal type fan coil unit

        ceiling conceal type fan coil unit, can be installed by vertical or horizontal

        Air volume range: 340m3/h~2380m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 1800W~12600W

        4-pipe system is optional

        Slim type ceiling conceal duct fan coil unit

        The product is only 200mm thickness, which is adapt a narrow installation space, new design of ceiling conceal duct type fan coil unit.

        Air volume range: 340m3/h~1200m3/h
        Cooling capacity range: 2000W~6300W

        High static pressure duct type fan coil unit

        High static pressure, long distance air supply

        Air volume range: 1360m3/h~4080m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 7200W~21600W

        Static pressure: 120pa

        4-pipe system is optional

        High static pressure ducted type fan coil unit

        Air volume range: 1700m3/h~2380m3/h

        Cooling capacity range: 9000W~12600W

        4-pipe system is optional

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